The primary beekeeper of the business, Brian can’t get over how lucky he is to be doing this. He has spent the last decade working with bees in one capacity or another: in a honeybee research lab, in a large commercial beekeeping operation, in an extension office for the apiculture industry, and, finally, as a provincial bee inspector. He now spends his days in the sunshine with his bees, or at farmers’ markets chatting with people about his favorite topic – bees. Brian loves that Blue Shoes allows his family to support itself while contributing something positive to the world.

A potential future beekeeper, Kaia is not shy about sticking her hand in a colony to rip out a chunk of fresh, sun-warmed honeycomb.

Hasn’t yet made up his mind about bees, but likes honey. That much we do know.

So many people have given freely of their time and energy to help us get off the ground.
For the time being the only payment we can offer is our gratitude.
Owner of Halsall’s Honey. Best friend and mentor anyone could ever hope for. Brent has come through with equipment and advice to bail us out of a bind more times than we can count. We wouldn’t be here without him.

Julie’s brother. David built this beautiful website for us. He’s also willing to pitch in wherever needed: he bottles and labels honey, helps out at markets, entertains the kids, and cooks a mean omelette.

Brian’s Mom. Betty has bottled and labelled unspeakable amounts of honey. She can always be counted on to help out in the bee yard or the market booth. Most important, her advice is sensible and her support is unwavering. Betty believes in us.

A good friend. Who else would spend hours lugging 80 lb boxes of honey through a swampy field in the dark? Ben’s skillset is endless and he has been a huge help in the bee yard and the honey house. Ben not only has every tool you can think of, but he’s comfortable with – nay, he insists upon – lending them out!

Our un-bee-lievable marketing consultant. Valerie Mayer is currently working as a full-time Marketing Coordinator at Espial Group Inc. As an early career professional, Valerie is also a part-time marketing consultant helping Blue Shoes Honey grow their brand presence within the Ottawa community. She’s always looking for opportunities to learn more about marketing and entrepreneurship through her work. She has also helped other local entrepreneurs within Ottawa in different sectors such as: finances, tech, non-profit as well as consumer goods.